Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pencemaran Limbah Pewarna Cair Industri Tekstil
Textile Dye Waste, Environmental Pollution, Law EnforcementAbstract
The production of clothing produced by the textile industry cannot be separated from the use of dyes. The dyes that have been used of course become waste which can have an impact on the damage to the water ecosystem if they do not go through a waste treatment process. This research discusses the extent to which law enforcement has been carried out regarding the behavior of the textile industry which disposes of its clothing dye liquid waste haphazardly when viewed from statutory regulations. In this research the author uses normative legal research methods using legal sources from primary legal materials in the form of environmental law legislation and secondary legal materials in the form of books and articles regarding waste management. The conclusion obtained in this paper is that liquid textile dye waste is a dangerous waste that can damage the condition of water and river environments if its disposal is not based on the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
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