Riddah Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam
Riddah, Islamic Criminal Law, ApostasyAbstract
Changing religions in Arabic is called Riddah. Meanwhile, apostate refers to the perpetrator, namely the person who is an apostate. Riddah linguistically means Ar-rujū'u 'ani al sya'i ilā ghairihi (turning from one thing to another). According to the term, it means leaving Islam to disbelief, either through actions, words, i'tiqad or doubt. Such as believing that Allah SWT, the Creator of Nature, does not exist, Muhammad SAW's apostolate is not true, it justifies actions that are haram, such as adultery, drinking alcohol and wrongdoing, or forbids things that are halal, such as buying and selling, marriage, or denying obligations that agreed upon by the entire Muslim community, such as denying the five daily prayers, or showing behavior that shows that the person concerned has left the Islamic religion, such as throwing the Koran into a landfill, worshiping idols and worshiping the sun.
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